Tuesday, September 2, 2014

DIY Notebook For Back to School!

I love making these notebooks because they're super cute, customizable and easy. I'm personally making mine for back to school, but these are perfect for whatever other use you might need them for. I find notebooks super handy to have around to write down ideas, thoughts, or to do lists throughout the day. I love this DIY because you'll probably have all the supplies needed in your house already. I've been making these for years and they've never failed me!

Here are the supplies you'll need : A notebook of your choice, a blank piece of paper, your own personal design or collage printed out on card stock, clear packing tape, mod podge (or any liquid glue), a paintbrush, and a pair of scissors (I forgot them in the photo).  

Step One : Coat the back of your collage or design with your glue. This does not have to be precise since we're going to be taping it on, just make sure you get the edges so it stays in place. What you want to put on the front is totally customizable to your style, but I suggest printing it out on card stock because it will be a lot sturdier and more durable.

Step Two : After you have your collage glued to the front of your notebook you're going to begin withe the tape. The easiest way I find to do this is to tape the clear packing tape above the notebook on the surface you're working on. After that pull the tape down and smooth it over the notebook. Cut the tape with about an inch hanging down from the notebook. 

Step Three : Fold the excess tape over the edge to the back of the notebook.

Step Four : Repeat this process over the entire notebook. Make sure to overlap the tape slightly each time so you don't leave any paper exposed. This will ensure that it won't get ruined if anything gets spills on it, or it gets rained on.
The inside cover tends to look not so pretty after you're finished, but you can stop here if you want.
Step Five : To make the inside cover more appealing to the eye, and to add a great place to write down your name and the class you're using the notebook for, I coated the backside of the cover in mod podge and placed a blank piece of white paper over top.
Here's the result of the inside cover. It's obviously not going to look perfect, but I do think it serves it's purpose and looks better than the excess tape did before hand.
Here you have your completed notebook. I think it's totally unique and perfect for anyone because it's so customizable. I will definitely be making more of these because I think they're super fun to make and you get a great result. This is my first DIY so if you have any tips please leave them down below!

Thank You

1 comment:

  1. This is such a lovely idea!!
    I have recently brought a notebook and wasn't keen on the front page so i might try this idea!



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